Food and land
Land and carbon footprinting
We are leading experts in estimating and monitoring the carbon footprint of whole landscapes and setting landscape-specific targets in order to change land use and lower emissions. We use a wide range of national and local datasets combined with our in-house emissions factors.
For the residents, visitors and industries in an area, we look at the energy they use, the food and drink they consume, the products and goods they buy, and how they travel. This 'consumption-based' footprint shows the full impact of an area's residents and visitors.
For the land itself, we look at non-carbon emissions, which arise mainly from livestock and fertilisers. We also measure the woodlands, hedges, peatlands and non-peat soils that can absorb carbon, whilst boosting biodiversity.
Having these detailed estimates that make up a landscape carbon footprint means we can advise on changes to land use, and changes to the organisations that manage land and engage with communities and businesses, so whole areas and regions can transition towards net zero emissions.
We have worked with small individual estates like Holker Hall and Gardens, large landscape areas including all 15 of the UK's National Parks, several counties including Cumbria, Gloucestershire and Powys, as well as Cotswolds, Cannock Chase and all 5 Welsh National Landscapes.

Social responsibility


Carbon sinks
Sustainable land use
We look at opportunities for nature-based solutions to help mitigate the climate emergency, such as restoring peatland, creating new woodland, and building healthy soils through regenerative farming practices. These actions also help to restore nature, increase biodiversity and mitigate the effects of our changing climate.
Our approach is evidence-based and tailored to the individual characteristics of each location. Tree planting can boost biodiversity and deliver a long-term carbon sink in some areas, but not on natural peatlands or productive arable land. We recommend that any 'desk mapping' is field-tested, to get an accurate and detailed view of the characteristics of each packet of land.
We look realistically at everything that land is needed for, including agriculture, social responsibility towards an area's communities and visitors, natural and cultural conservation, ecosystem restoration, and other real-world challenges.
We know that some changes will need support and actions from others within and outside your area. Having an evidence-based view of how things are now and where you could be aiming for will help you bring others with you and push for the support you need.
You can use our new web-based Landscape Carbon Tracker to easily view your carbon baseline, targets and yearly progress in emissions reductions and carbon sequestration.

Food and menu carbon footprinting
It's expected that by 2050 there will be 9.8 billion people living on Earth. We're going to need to produce and distributute more food, while our agricultural land becomes increasingly affected by droughts, floods and storms, as a result of the climate crisis.
It's crucial that we balance food production, carbon storage, nature protection and restoration, and support for sustainable livelihoods in rural populations around the world.
Our research projects into food production map out how produce, nutrients and calories flow across the global food system. We also look at the impact of food waste and changes in consumer behaviours.
We work with businesses in food production and hospitality, and can calculate the full supply chain carbon emissions of menus and ingredients so these companies can take the most impactful actions to reduce their emissions.
If you are a food producer, restaurant or caterer and want to know what your carbon footprint is and where you could make changes to reduce it, our food and land specialists can provide you with the most detailed and reliable emissions data.
Our food and land research
UK Farming and Land Use
Addressing the Climate and Ecological Emergencies while Supporting Farmers
Our research paper brings the latest scientific evidence to the contentious and emotive debate around what truly sustainable farming and land use in the UK should look like, by answering 15 questions about farming in the UK.
Measuring the global warming potential of greenhouse gases
How GWP100, GWP20 and GWP*each show the warming effect of GHGs
We look at the 3 different ways of measuring the warming potential of greenhouses gases, in particular carbon dioxide and methane. GWP100 and GWP20 show warming effects over different timescales, whereas GWP* shows differences rather than total amounts, leaving it open to misinterpretation. We show why we never use GWP* with our food and landscape management clients.